La Boqueria

Eye-popping assortments of Barcelona's freshest fish,
meat, produce, cheeses, pastries and more.

Produce so round and ripe, it's sexy. Fish and seafood so fresh, it's still moving. Row after row of butcher's stalls, their proprietors chopping – thwack! – and slicing. Not to mention endless deli cases full of poultry and cheeses, hog legs, chilis hanging from above, and vats of dozens of varieties of olives and nuts, spices, candy and more. La Boqueria is a bustling open air market (with a roof), frequented by the city's best restaurant chefs. But it's also a collage of edible colors: food as art. The most expensive prices are right at the front – designed for the tourist – so walk all the way to the back to find food you can sample without spending a fortune. Along the way you'll find plenty to look at – some of it even a little shocking. It's a visceral, visual and fascinating tour of local exotic and ordinary foods.